Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Don't Need Another Medal

Well, they wanted to give me a medal for heroism at the Hero of the Year Award ceremony today. That was for when I saved a whole school bus full of kids from falling in the river. It's lucky I'm so strong because when I saw the bus headed down the hill with no brakes, I chased after it on my bicycle, then I slashed the tires with my dagger to slow it down and just before it got to the edge of the cliff I pried the door open and got all the kids out of there. Just when I got the last kid out, the bus pitched over the edge and blew up.

I didn't want the medal so I gave it to one of the kids from the bus. I already have a bunch of other hero medals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good thing you had that dagger.

10:53 PM  

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